People’s Day 2016

On the 9th July 2016 we attended People’s Day where we had the opportunity to meet various members of the community and encourage them to participate in our aim to achieve equality for disabled people.






At our stand, people got involved by writing down some of their views and hopes for the Lewisham community. Some of the comments consisted of “A cohesive community and friendship”, “Love and Peace”, “Everybody Matters” and many more.


This will be put up on display in our Fun Palace to promote our campaign as “We believe in the genius in everyone, in everyone an artist and everyone a scientist, and that creativity in community can change the world for the better.”



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One thought on “People’s Day 2016”

  1. I came close to the end of the day and this was the only stall I wanted to visit.
    I was so thankful to be recieved with warm welcome and the combination of science and art has been at the heart of my own creativities for many years.
    We are intetertwined with the Universal Laws that Creative Activities /Sciences are naturally inseperable.
    There is no separation, so for me, this is magnificant!
    (I also need the support for benefit and disability reasons.)
    I see where selfless giving with joy creates an energy, that is of a mesurable, vibration.
    For instance, ; water – water can create the most amazing patterns (as can sand, on a sand tray, so simple you can try this yourself. )
    Play some relaxing music, with natural nature sounds.. sound out with ‘breath+sound’, and as you begin, you may feel awkward, as this may be new, and so new sounds vibrate within your core, that you can physically feel. sound+effect.. vibration.. YOU ARE A VIBRATIONAL BEING.!!
    Especially when you are also in BALANCE with your own well beingness and WHOLENESS..
    if you are testing water, try freezing some with words written on the jar like -” LOVE, JOY, HAPPY..” afterwards look at how the frozen molecules have formed under a microscope, they are amazing!!

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