Big Red Boxes

Big Red Boxes is a Kings Church London Christmas initiative supporting those in the local community who might otherwise go without during the festive period by collecting food and distributing Christmas hampers through partner organisations. Many of our clients have been affected by increased cost of living and benefit changes so Lewisham Disability Coalition was pleased to be a partner in December 2015 and distributed boxes right across the borough.
For further information on the scheme click here: Big Red Box

Individual donations
As with previous years our Christmas cards included a number of small but greatly appreciated individual donations from friends of LDC. Thanks to everyone who did so and those who contribute throughout the year. We are grateful for all your support.

Sale of crocheted goods
In addition to mass ukelele-strumming for charities across Lewisham the Catford Charity Strummer is a prolific crocheter. Our fundraising this year has benefited from sale of her crocheted goods.

As well as scarves, cosy slippers and diaries the Xmas tree decorations have proved extremely popular.
See link for more information: Catford Charity Strummer

Every little helps
If you have fundraising ideas for 2016 please get in touch with us on
You are so welcome LDC. Any little thing we can do to help can make a difference!