We are a disabled people’s user led organisation working together to promote a vision of a society where everybody with lived experience of disability, mental health support needs or health conditions can participate equally as full citizens
With the support of our members, partners, volunteers and funders we have been continued to work to deliver change with and for disabled people in Lewisham.

To promote the human rights of disabled people, by challenging societal barriers and all forms of discrimination, so enabling disabled people to gain effective personal and political power, self-determination, full participation and equality within society.
To be an independent, powerful, all inclusive, non-discriminatory force in empowering, supporting and advising all disabled people in Lewisham.
To work in cooperation with other organisations and individuals who share our vision and mission in promoting the rights of disabled people.
What we focused on in 2015/16
Promoting independent living through advice, advocacy and support
Promoting health and wellbeing
Advancing the social model of disability through consultation, policy and lobbying
Improved partnership to take forward our objectives
Consolidating our organisation with an internal review of business efficiency and practices