Lewisham Disability Coalition works to promote equality for disabled people and to provide services that support Independent Living.
Our Advice Service is accredited by the Advice Quality Standard Mark.
Our recent funders and supporters include London Borough of Lewisham Main Grants, Community Connections (Communities that Care Fund), Big Lottery Fund, Chelsea Building Society, London Catalyst, the Lee Charity of William Hackliffe, Scope, Tesco, Sainsburys as well as individual donations.

Our aims are:
To promote the human rights of disabled people, by challenging barriers and all forms of discrimination, so enabling disabled people to gain effective personal and political power, self determination, full participation and equality within society;
To be an independent, influential, inclusive, non-discriminatory force in empowering, supporting and advising all disabled people in Lewisham;
To work in cooperation with other organisations and individuals who share our vision and mission in promoting the rights of disabled people.
Registered Company Number 04508732
Charity number 1147698 (more details on our page of the Charity Commission website).
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